Hello there! I'm Wren,

An enthusiast and hobbyist struggling to find time to wear all of my hats. Here’s a few of them:

🦀 Rust Programmer: My time in tech has been a wild ride. I got my start writing HPC code for realtime operating systems in the defense industry, then went into the nonprofit space, then biotech, and most recently television. In the ever-evolving landscape of programming languages, I’ve found my home in Rust because of its reliability and compile-time safety without compromising on performance.

🚑 Emergency Medical Technician: Before I fully broke into the tech industry, I was an Emergency Medical Technician for a short time. While I’m no longer working with the National Registry, I still keep my certifications current and volunteer to help keep people safe at events like concerts, shooting competitions, pride parades, and more.

🕵️ Security Researcher: While I may be a blue team programmer by day, after hours I spend a lot of time on security research and ethical hacking. I’ve especially taken interest in:

  • Finding novel exploits and ways to target Windows platforms
  • Automotive research with OBD-II reverse-engineering and finding vulnerabilities in infotainment systems
  • Using source code static analysis for automated blue team web application vulnerability testing

🧗‍♂️ Boulderer: Bouldering is my favorite sport and I try to go at least once a week. I am constantly trying to push my strength and skills to reach higher and higher on the V scale.

⚡️ Homelab Enthusiast: I run my own fleet of servers for personal projects and infrastructure using decommissioned datacenter hardware from eBay running NixOS. Things I host include servers for Conduit, Jellyfin, Navidrome, various game servers, and more.

🥋 Martial Artist: I am an avid martial artist and pursuing shodan in International Kenpo and Kamishin-Ryu jujutsu. I’ve also been interested in the biomechanics of early Hong Kong Wing Chun and have been incorporating some of their theories into my usual arts.

🌐 Digital Privacy Advocate: I am a huge proponent of digital privacy and an EFF member. I have developed several tools to help people enforce their own privacy online and work with survivors of stalking, sexual assault, and domestic violence on a pro-bono basis to protect their physical safety by enhancing their digital privacy .

🌲 Explorer: Being from Colorado, I’m not breaking any stereotypes by loving all things outdoors and I’m always looking to get outside more. From the Pawnee grasslands to the mountains and national forests you can often find me camping, hiking, rock climbing, skiing, mountain biking, rafting, or something else.