
- 1 min read
Hello! I don’t have much to share in this post, but I just wanted to announce I’ve started putting together my own cookbook, readable on my GitHub Pages site. If you didn’t know, I moonlight as a home cook and people have been asking me to start putting my recipes together somewhere they can follow along for a while now. Hope you all enjoy!
My Trip To San Jose Something I’ve noticed throughout my journey in martial arts is that while the more militaristic Japanese style with belts and ranks seems to suit my specific learning style better, the familial “skill family” approach of the Chinese arts seems to produce students with a much deeper understanding of the theoretical side of their arts. That’s why while on vacation in San Jose, California this past week, I jumped at the opportunity to meet and learn from Sifu Ben Der, founder of San Jose Wing Chun, who turned 83 years old this week.
Alternatively: don’t weld a dozen smart cars together to do a race car’s job. I recently had a conversation with an ops friend about the trend of using microservices for everything and decided our conversation could be reworked into a good post. If you don’t have time to read this entire post, the general conclusion is that using microservices will not save you from the consequences of choosing the wrong tools for the job at hand or being a bad programmer.